Editors: Fadeke Ayoola, Adam Hearn, Josephine Pallandt, & Gérardine Mahoro
Section One
Section Two
Section Three
Section Four
Section Five
Section Six
Annual Report on the State of African Cities
Call for Authors to contribute
Watch the introduction for contributing to the Annual Report on the State of African Cities as an author.
Learn more about the seven writing groups and the Agenda 2063 aspirations, goals, and priorities.
Call for Authors & Sustainability Experts
Are you a author or sustainability expert?
Do you live or work in an African city?
We are launching our Annual Report on the State of African Cities to be published every year starting March 2024. We are now recruiting sustainability authors and experts with experience in sustainability and cities. The challenges that cities face, and will continue to face in the future, are complex and multisectoral. They are also specific – no two cities are the same.
The city you live and work in is unique and different due to differences in water quality, intelligent transport systems, energy management and energy savings.
NET Africa is looking for contributing author(s) to join the team and help us create content for our new publication: the Annual Report on the State of African Cities. As a contributing author/expert, you will be responsible for researching and writing chapter(s) on sustainability topics related to cities; conducting interviews with industry experts and local government. The ideal candidate will have excellent writing and research skills; a strong interest in sustainability. You will be able to work independently and meet deadlines.
Applicants should hold a degree, it would be desirable if in management, sustainability, environment, technology, engineering or mathematics.
Excellent writing skills, experience in drafting, writing, editing and proofreading text.
Researching and developing contacts within cities on your chosen topic.
Liaising with editors and other publishing professionals
This is a voluntary role with full accreditation for your writing contribution.
Click here to complete the form
Submission & Author Guidelines
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
(1) The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
(2) The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
(3) Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
(4) The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
(5) The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which are found in About the Journal.
(6) If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
(7) The text has been submitted to Turn-it-In and the Turn-it-In report has been submitted as a supplementary file.
(8) An author bibliography has been submitted as a supplementary file.
(9) All graphs, tables, and illustrations have been submitted as supplementary files.
Author Guidelines
Article Type and Classification
Please indicate article type (general paper, short communication, rejoinder, book review, conference review) and article classification (speculative philosophy, opinion paper, theoretical paper, empirical research report: quantitative, empirical research report: qualitative)
Please use Arial 12 font in double spacing and leave generous margins. All pages must be numbered, and headings/sub-headings must be consistent. Unusual or handwritten symbols must be clearly identified. For general papers, we ask that you try to limit your papers to 10 000 words. We will consider longer submissions only under very exceptional circumstances. Short communications are less than 3 000 words strictly. Please refrain from using two spaces after the full stop of a sentence – use one space only after the full stop, i.e. before the next sentence.
Title and running head
Provide the title in full (sentence case). If the title is longer than 70 characters including spaces, provide a brief title for use as a running head.
Author’s details
Please provide all authors’ full names, affiliations, and email addresses in a separate file.
Please include an abstract of 100 words maximum. The abstract should be structured around the following sub-headings:
Add a list of 4-10 keywords.
Main section headings (e.g., method, findings, conclusion) are indicated in bold, uppercase font, e.g., CONCLUSION. Leave a line space after a main heading. Sub-headings are indicated in bold and in sentence case (e.g., The business case for ethics). No line spaces are used after sub-headings. Should further sub-headings be required, these are to be indicated in italic font (e.g., Investor confidence).
Should you wish to express your gratitude to non-authors for significant contributions they may have made to the research/manuscript, include these at the end of the manuscript before the References section. Please ensure that these do not contain any information that can potentially lead to the identification of any of the authors.
Number all tables (e.g., 1, 2, 3) and include a short title. Vertical lines between columns are to be avoided where possible. Please insert the tables in the text approximately where you would like them to appear in the final paper.
All figures must be suitable for reproduction without being retouched or redrawn. Check that all lettering will still be legible after the figure is reduced to fit the page. Wherever possible please use black and white or grey scales for figures. Colour figures will only be accepted under exceptional circumstances. Please avoid 3D renderings of graphs. Please insert figures in the text approximately where you would like them to appear in the final paper.
Subscripts and superscripts should be set off clearly. Use a full stop for decimals, and reserve crosses for multiplication. The sign for ‘about equal to’ is =; ‘of the order of’ is indicated by.
References should be given at the end of the paper in alphabetical order. In the case where two publications of an author have been cited, including the references in chronological order (the earliest first). Please indent the second and subsequent lines of the reference.
Meetings, workshops, webinars & publications
77th United Nations General Assembly
Science Summit Finance Session
28th September 2022 2pm - 4pm GMT
Fadeke Ayoola, FCCA
CEO NET Africa
Author & Sustainability Expert
Adam Hearn
Ph.D. Researcher, Sustainability Research Group, University of Basel
Lidia Davies
Climate Pact Ambassador
Josephine Pallandt
Principal Reos Partners