The Pledge
Climate Action Monthly Reports
Our Climate Action Pledge represents an expansive and diverse set of activities that help address climate change, environmental degradation, and sustainability at large. We will post all our reports on progress against the commitments in the 2022 pledge on this page.
We are working with different actors and stakeholders to accelerate net zero transformation. Helping shape and accelerate the global climate and policy agenda. We support reform that puts the needs of stakeholders at the heart of the market economy and connects goals, actions, and outcomes into desired social and economic results that fuel long-term sustainability. Supporting the net zero transition is a key part of this process.
We talk about climate change during regular interactions and activities, especially with those who are not yet involved in climate action. Advocating at national, regional, and local levels in Africa and across the EU in order to persuade public authorities, schools, organizations, and businesses to commit to ambitious climate action and pledges. Engaging with local communities with climate action messages and activities adjusted to the local context, challenges and needs. Sharing scientifically reliable knowledge and raising awareness on topics related to climate change, e.g. through organizing online and offline events and thematic discussions, running campaigns in media and social media, offering data, expertise and stories related to climate change, finding new ways and channels to raise climate change awareness. Organizing activities related to climate and environmental action, e.g. planting trees, organizing information desks, car free days, etc. Interconnecting local climate activists with other relevant networks and stakeholders. Exchanging knowledge, e.g. through peer-to-peer training, to help anyone start or expand climate initiatives. Testing climate solutions so that they can be replicated and spread.